Donovan Lo's Profile
User Centric Front End Development with HTML & CSS
A personal resume website using HTML5 and CSS3.
Skills applied: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Go websiteForex Backtesting Project
Interactive Front End Development with Javascript
Allow back testing for moving average strategy to be tested using s chart display of historical currency exchange data retrieved from Monetary Authority of Singapore through their API and functions that allow transactions to be recorded and final project/loss summarised.
Skills applied: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Axios, JSON
Go website7aura.com
Rejuvenate and add mobile responsiveness
A rejuveenated mobile responsive company website of a Yoga learning centre.
Skills applied: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Go websiteCleaning d'Solutions
Data Centric Development with Python
A database project using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jinja for front end, Python, Flask for back end. MongoDB is used to store the database. Developed in GitHub and hosted on Heroku. Implemnting features like authentication, authorisation, advance search, randomization, Online HTML Editor, responsive designing.
Skills applied: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Python, JQuery, Flask, Jinja, MongoDB, GitHub, Heroku
Go website